French FM tells Syria opposition to unite

In another clear show of meddling in Syria’s internal affairs, Juppe called on the Syrian opposition to stop “tearing itself apart” and unite under the Syrian National Council (SNC) umbrella.

“There are some opponents whose attitudes are seriously weakening the opposition — as long as they continue to tear themselves apart and fight amongst themselves,” Juppe said in an interview with French newspaper Le Monde published on Friday.

“We are doing everything to try to unite the opposition around the Syrian National Council and to convince them to be more inclusive, to welcome Alawites, Christians. They are not doing well enough”, Juppe said.

The French foreign minister’s remarks about the fractured Syrian opposition came two days after three prominent members of SNC, Haitham al-Maleh, Kamal al-Labwani and rights activist Catherine al-Telli, broke away, accusing the group of serving the interests of foreign countries.

Al-Labwani said that they resigned because they did not want to be “accomplices to the massacre of the Syrian people.” He also accused head of SNC Burhan Ghalioun of running the organization autocratically.

The top French diplomat, whose country is pushing for Assad’s departure, also criticized continued Russian support for the Assad government, accusing Moscow of opposing the Western stance on Syria in retaliation for the international military campaign in Libya despite Russia’s opposition.

Syria has been experiencing unrest since mid-March and many people, including security forces, have lost their lives in the violence.

The West and the Syrian opposition accuse the government of killing the protesters. But Damascus blames ”outlaws, saboteurs and armed terrorist groups” for the unrest, insisting that it is being orchestrated from abroad.


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