May 22, 2018
Thinking is an Addiction (Updated from Jan 26, 2016)
by Henry Makow Ph.D.
When I say thinking is an addiction, I’m NOT referring to thoughts based on independent observation and analysis, or intuition or inspiration.
I’m referring to the compulsive stream of worry, judgment, chatter, and trivia that usually fills our minds. Most stress is mentally-induced.
Illuminati member Harold Rosenthal spelled it out: “We have converted the people to our philosophy of getting and acquiring so that they will never be satisfied. A dissatisfied people are pawns in our game of world conquest. They are always seeking and never able to find satisfaction. The very moment they seek happiness outside themselves, they become our willing servants.” Harold Rosenthal The Hidden Tyranny
As Rosenthal says, our minds have been programmed to “be dissatisfied” and want more. The programming is in music, movies, TV and education. There must always be striving, conflict.
Tell a man he is a chicken, and he struts around and clucks and even tries to lay an egg. Thus, men go to war and die “to defend freedom.” Look at the Vietnam War for example. “If Vietnam goes Communist,” they told us,”all South East Asia will fall.” Didn’t happen. Look at Vietnam today. Was that war necessary? Were Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya or Syria? Necessary only for profit and to impose the NWO.
(Remember “terrorists” did this)
The Illuminati fabricate reality. Consider the JFK-RFK-MLK assassinations, 9-11, Boston Marathon and Sandy Hook. They determine reality simply by lying. They created ISIS and are responsible for war crimes as bad as any in history.
They program our minds to adopt self-destructive behavior.
We experience our programming rather than reality. For example, Hollywood presents romance and sex as panaceas and we actually experience them as such…until the illusion dispels like a morning fog. The Cabalists love hypnotizing us with their “magic.”
By themselves, our minds have no anchor in truth. The mental world is a house-of-mirrors.
The mind and the consciousness (soul) are two competing sources of identity. We have been programmed to identify entirely with the thought world and deny the existence of the soul.
We need to experience ourselves as consciousness. Consciousness witnesses thought. Empty the mind and what’s left is the real you.
Religion teaches that man’s true character is spiritual. Our soul is our hotline to God. We need to shift from inhabiting thought to inhabiting spirit. Turn off thought like a light switch. As we shift our center from mind to spirit, many “desires” fade away. They were mental in character.
The poet Henry More (1614-1687) wrote:
“When the inordinate desire after knowledge of things was allayed in me, and I aspired after nothing but purity and simplicity of mind, there shone in me daily a greater assurance than ever I could have expected, even of those things which before I had the greatest desire to know.”
Like penguins stranded on an ice floe, mankind is an ape colony on a speck in the universe. No one really understands what we’re doing here. Predator apes are trying to monopolize power and wealth.
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