Man missing after snorkelling in Sydney

A man has gone missing while snorkelling in a shark viewing area at a Sydney beach.

The 26-year-old man went snorkelling with a group of friends off Magic Point, South Maroubra, an area well-known for its Grey Nurse sharks, on Saturday at about 6pm (AEDT).

Fifty minutes later the group returned to the edge of the rocks, near where the man had been snorkelling, but were unable to find him.

At the time of the incident the man was only wearing a pair of shorts and snorkelling equipment, and his belongings were found on the beach nearby.
Police, lifeguards and emergency services suspended a search at 10.30pm.

The searched resumed at 7am on Sunday involving officers from Eastern Beaches Local Area Command, Botany Bay Water Police, Polair and the Police Diving Unit.

They will be assisted by NSW Surf Rescue, the Lifesaver helicopter and local lifeguards.

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