NATO tanker blaze kills 7 in Afghanistan

“A fuel tanker supplying fuel for [International Security Assistance Force] ISAF overturned and caught fire and simultaneously a civilian minivan was passing nearby also set ablaze,” Sardar Mohammad, the security chief of the province’s Panjwayi district, said on Friday.

He added that three others had sustained injuries from the incident and were taken to a local hospital to receive treatment.

Kandahar’s police chief, Abdul Raziq, confirmed the death toll, saying, “This fuel tanker was coming from the city of Kandahar to Panjwayi district at high speed.”

This is while the local residents said that the tanker was attacked by Taliban militants using rocket-propelled grenades.

On Thursday, the militants attacked six NATO tankers and set them on fire at a terminal near the US-run Kandahar International Airport in the province. Afghan Army officials said three tanker drivers had suffered injuries as a result.


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