April 25, 2018
The FBI released the names, addresses, photos, religious beliefs, whereabouts, affiliations, professional connections, flight training schools, nationalities, personal histories, ages, visa status OF ALL the highjackers within DAYS Of 9-11 (Unibomber took 17 years!)…
[Editor’s Note: April 18, 2013. This is a good roundup of empirical facts surrounding the greatest act of treason in the history of the United States. More information became obvious after this paper was posted in 2006 that made it clear that no physical airliners actually flew into either twin towers. Both “planes” were holographic events. It’s not possible for an aluminum framed airplane to slice into a steel and concrete building as if it were a hot knife slicing through butter and not slow down by even one microsecond. The laws of physics don’t work that way. A missile flew into the Pentagon, and not a passenger airliner. Foremost architects of this attack include Israeli political leaders, the Rockefellers, Zionists, the Israeli Mossad, the CIA, traitors within the military, the Pentagon, the Exective branch of the US government, and many other complicit groups, including the Zionist-controlled media, the FBI and NORAD. Their treachery resulted in the murder of at least 3,000 innocent people. The purpose was to create a pretext for attacking Iraq and other Arab countries in the Middle East and to launch the Patriot Act, which in turn created the megalith Gestapo-like Dept. of Homeland Security and other fascist, police state enslavement and control agencies. ALL acts of “terrorism” world wide are staged events orchestrated principally by the Israeli Mossad, the CIA, British Intelligence, and their well paid stooges in the military and intelligence services of other countries…Ken Adachi]
Source Article from https://www.henrymakow.com/2018/04/no-comercial-planes-9-11.html
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