Silvio Berlusconi the ‘boss of bosses’, says Nicole Minetti

“Perfect, I’ll bring garter belts and reading glasses, and when I take
everything off I’ll have sexy underwear underneath,” Miss Minetti said,
according to audio recordings.

Mr Berlusconi was also referred to as the “boss of bosses” – a term normally
reserved for mafia dons – by Miss Minetti.

The 50,000 alleged phone calls are part of a huge stack of evidence which
prosecutors are using against the former premier in a trial in Milan in
which he is accused of abuse of office and paying for sex with a teenage
nightclub dancer who was allegedly working as an under age prostitute.

Mr Berlusconi claimed last week that he held only “elegant dinners” at which
young women who were “by nature exhibitionists” put on “burlesque contests”.

He denies the charges against him.

But Karima El Mahroug, the Moroccan-born dancer who was 17 when the scandal
broke, said he was very worried that her true age would be found out. Paying
a woman under the age of 18 for sex is a criminal offence in Italy.

Miss El Mahroug, known by her stage name as Ruby the Heart Stealer, claimed
that the prime minister was prepared to pay her 47,000 euros (£38,000) a
week to buy her silence.

Mr Berlusconi’s trial in Milan, which started a year ago, continues.

In a separate development on Tuesday, Italy’s highest court ruled that Mr
Berlusconi paid “substantial” sums of money to the Sicilian Mafia as a
guarantee against him or his family being kidnapped.

The court said Mr Berlusconi dealt with the mob through a middleman, Marcello
Dell’Utri, a long-time friend and later a senator in his party.

The money was paid to Cosa Nostra in the late 1970s and early 1980s when Mr
Berlusconi, at the time a wealthy businessman, feared the threat of kidnap
and ransom.

It was “an agreement of a protective and collaborative nature” in which Mr
Berlusconi was the “victim” of mafia intimidation, a panel of eminent judges

Mr Dell’Utri was convicted of mafia association and given a seven year prison
sentence in 2004 but subsequently appealed.

In March the supreme court threw out the case on technical grounds and called
for a new trial.

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