One of the great challenges of our time is how to counter the toxic effects of virulently anti-White media. I was fortunate enough to e-attend an online symposium last week. The briefing, followed by a question and answer period, discussed media concerns. The delegates were professionals and they too are troubled by the direction media has taken. Their difficulty is their impotence in dealing with it. I am reminded of the truism: “It is difficult to get a journalist to understand an issue when he is paid for not understanding it.”
The seminar’s theme was how the professionals might respond to a disappearing readership and loss of credibility. Both spell disaster for mainstream media. Refreshingly, there was much candid comment. One delegate remarked: “There is no such thing as neutral journalism” Another, explained that journalists are now ‘soldiers of communication’ with the emphasis being on the term soldiers.
Let this sink in; a soldier of communication is a euphemism for a war correspondent. His job, whether he likes it or not, is to spin politically correct news. The correspondent knows also that he has to meet editorial board criteria. Journalists, like policemen, are hostages to their salaries.
One of the best remarks was made by an erudite delegate who reminded the audience that ‘the internet and digital media are the battlefields of the 21st Century.’
Where does this leave the user of mainstream media? How can we counter such a behemoth? Each month 200 million browse the Daily Mail. By any yardstick this is a formidable anti-White opponent. How do we counter the monster media has become? Our weakness is our lack of belief in ourselves. The internet has given us the most powerful tool in history. The keyboard is the great game-changer.
Perceived public animosity towards your beliefs is an illusion fostered by the liberal left’s mercenaries. This is what this toxic media minority want you to think.
Initially cautious, most ethnic-Europeans are increasingly desperate to hear alternative news that will better understand their gut instincts. They know they are being betrayed; they welcome you as their mentor. It takes minutes to share pro-European information. On this battlefield the internet deals effectively with the cancer that media has become.
Inoculate your effected kinfolk by sharing and spreading the Whiteman’s Word. As your credibility is 90 per cent against the media’s 5 per cent you need only hit 500 people to inoculate 50,000 of their readers. Think positive; we are all Soldiers of Communication now.
Mike Walsh has been a journalist and columnist for British and American media for many years. Voted Writer of the Year by Euro Weekly News he has also been a columnist for East European media.
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