Summernats to stay in Canberra

Annual street machine extravaganza Summernats is staying put in Canberra – for now.

Event owners have struck an agreement with the ACT government to bring the long-running car festival back to Canberra in 2013.

But negotiations over the event’s long-term future continue.

“There’s always a lot of discussion about the future of the Summernats, where it’s going, is it staying in Canberra?” co-owner Andy Lopez told reporters on Sunday.

“The Summernats are very happy to say that we’re renewing our options here in the ACT.

“The Summernats will definitely be back here in 2013.”

Mr Lopez says he will be working with the ACT government in the coming months to settle the event’s long-term future.

Mr Lopez says he wants the festival to stay in Canberra despite renewed speculation of a move to Sydney. But he is keen to find ways to make staging the event easier.

ACT Chief Minister Katy Gallagher said she was thrilled the event would return in 2013.

“The commitment I give Summernats is we’re going to continue to work with you to hopefully convince you to stay here in the ACT,” she said.

Ms Gallagher assured Mr Lopez her government was approaching the negotiations with an open mind.

“I don’t think any of the things we’ve talked about this morning are insurmountable.”

The 2012 Summernats winds up on Sunday after four days.

Mr Lopez said it had been a terrific year for the event, with anecdotal evidence of a big increase on 2011’s visitor numbers.

Patrons were also relatively well-behaved.

While a handful of people have been ejected, ACT Police have not made any arrests or been called to intervene in any serious incidents.

Superintendent Lesa Gale said that was quite an achievement for an event the size of Summernats.

There was a bit of biffo though.

Pictures of a fracas between patrons and security staff ran prominently in The Canberra Times newspaper.

Mr Lopez said those responsible for the violence were “cowards” and he would cooperate with police to identify them.

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