Posts Tagged ‘call’

Microsoft app used to tally votes at Iowa caucus fails in some areas

In an emailed statement, Microsoft said that the mobile apps for both parties worked without issue. However national interest in the Iowa Caucuses overwhelmed the Democratic and Republican Party Iowa Caucus websites, which Microsoft was working to resolve, the company said. Some online charged that Microsoft founder Bill Gates had donated “millions” to the Clinton Foundation, […]

Microsoft app used to tally votes at Iowa caucus fails in some areas

In an emailed statement, Microsoft said that the mobile apps for both parties worked without issue. However national interest in the Iowa Caucuses overwhelmed the Democratic and Republican Party Iowa Caucus websites, which Microsoft was working to resolve, the company said. Some online charged that Microsoft founder Bill Gates had donated “millions” to the Clinton Foundation, […]

The Six Stages of Awakening

1. The bloody government Moan, moan, moan, all about the corrupt politicians, local councils, being ripped off by utility companies, insane legislation, injustices everywhere. Thankfully many people are now at this first stage of waking up. 2. Arrrhhh so that’s why! Ohhh right, so there is a reason for all this madness after all … The […]

‘Wrong’ Maidan: Ukraine demands that France’s Canal+ TV take hard-hitting documentary off air

The Ukrainian Foreign Ministry in their facebook statement went as far as to urge Canal+ TV to overhaul their editorial policy. The film is scheduled to be shown on February 1. “Paul Moreira strips the masks of modern-day Ukraine and carries out an investigation on the firing line of the new ‘Cold War’ between the […]

Palestinian youths get 15 years in prison for stone throwing they denied

Charlotte Silver Rights and Accountability 29 January 2016 Ali Shamlawi Five Palestinian youths, known as the “Hares boys,” after their home village in the West Bank, have concluded a nearly three-year military trial by agreeing to a plea deal with Israeli occupation authorities. They will each serve 15 years in prison. Ali Shamlawi, Muhammed Kleib, […]

Finland to decline asylum to & deport 20,000 migrants

Paivi Nerg, the Interior Ministry’s Permanent Secretary, told Reuters, “20,000 is the estimate we are working with at the moment, but the number of asylum seekers who decide to return voluntarily could change it.” In an interview with AFP, Nerg said that 65 percent of the 32,000 migrants who arrived in the country last year […]

Iran is spending more money on culture, but where’s the accountability?

With all eyes on the lifting of sanctions on Iran, and the country’s upcoming Feb. 26 parliamentary elections, little attention has been paid to the budget bill for the next Iranian year, which President Hassan Rouhani submitted to parliament Jan. 17. A review of the bill shows an intricate move on the part of the […]

Cell Phone Radiation and Mercury in Your Teeth Cause Significant Health Problems

Let me ask you, do you have amalgam dental fillings? Do you use a cell phone? If you do, then beware, the latest research shows that you may be particularly at risk. There’s a considerable amount of research pointing to the dangers of radio frequency electromagnetic field exposures from cell phones. There is also significant […]

Creating Transformation Through Building Deeper Relationships

Print Friendly Above Photo:  Group of Friends via Shutterstock As I dream about the possibilities for 2016, I believe we are uniquely positioned to engage more people in social movements than at any point I’ve seen in the last decade. During the past two years we’ve witnessed a brilliant escalation of our justice movements to build and […]

American Jews and Israel: A divorce in the making?

By Alan Hart In a very interesting piece on the news website Mondoweiss, Philip Weiss has speculated that the day is coming when American Jews will divorce Israel. If it really happens, the president of the day will be free to use the leverage America has to cause or try to cause Israel to end […]

Major Study Concludes – ‘Cancer Screening Has Never Saved Lives’

Sayer Ji, Green Med InfoWaking Times Millions have marched for “cancer causes.” Millions more have been diagnosed “early” and now believe screening saved their lives. But a new study confirms something we have been reporting on since our inception: In most cases, screening not only has not “saved lives,” but actually increases your risk of […]

Officials Permit Residents to Drink Poisoned Water for 18 Months

Residents of Flint, Michigan used contaminated water for over a year. Public officials allowed residents of Flint, Michigan, to drink contaminated water for almost two years before responding to the problem in a positive way. Flint has a population of approximately 100,000, most of whom are black. About 40% of the […]

Arrests signal intensifying crackdown on Israeli human rights groups

Adri Nieuwhof Rights and Accountability 21 January 2016 Taayush activist Ezra Nawi in 2010. Oren Ziv ActiveStills Israel has arrested three human rights defenders amid what appears to be a concerted campaign, backed by authorities, to sabotage domestic organizations documenting Israeli abuses of Palestinians. Last week, Israeli forces arrested Ezra Nawi, a member of Taayush, […]

How To Help Others Spiritually Awaken

22nd January 2016 By Nanice Ellis Contributing Writer for Wake Up World It is true that the percentage of awake and awakening people is still relatively small, but don’t let appearances fool you. Everyone is somewhere on the path of awakening. Being one of the first to awaken is an immense honor, but it also comes […]

Metallic Glue Can Bind Metals Without Heat

Professor Hanchen Huang Nanotechnology scientists have developed a metallic glue that can bind metals together at room temperature. MesoGlue can bind metals to other surfaces without soldering or pressure. It could potentially change the landscape of electronics. EurekAlert reports: “MesoGlue was founded by Huang and two of his PhD stu­dents: They had a dream of a […]

White House Admits Fake Vaccine Programs Used To Gather Public DNA

The White House has officially admitted that fake vaccine programs have been used on the public in order to gather public DNA intelligence for use in the ‘war on terror’.  The government have said that the scheme, carried out in the Middle East, uses DNA to identify potential terrorist suspects who would then be targeted to […]

Fast-Food Workers Plan Wave Of Strikes For 2016 Primaries

Print Friendly Starting with strike to coincide with Democratic debate in Charleston, workers launch 2016 initiative to push candidates on both sides of aisle to support $15, union rights Nationwide –Fast-food workers announced Friday that an unprecedented wave of strikes and actions calling for $15 and union rights will hit this primary season to hammer home to candidates […]

Irish politicians to discuss banning Donald Trump from Ireland

Two separate petitions, ‘Ban Donald Trump from Ireland‘ and ‘Ban Donald Trump from Entering Ireland‘, were lodged in December by members of the public to the government’s Joint Committee on Public Service Oversight and Petitions. The petitions were lodged in the days following Trump’s statements that there should be a “total and complete shutdown of Muslims […]

$1 Trillion Erased from Stocks So Far in 2016

$1 Trillion Erased from Stocks So Far in 2016 January 12th, 2016 Via: CNN: Wall Street’s disastrous start to 2016 has caused roughly $1 trillion to vanish from the stock market. The eye-popping losses highlight the deep fears that has gripped financial markets over […]

Selected Articles: Nukes, War Crimes, and Financial Collapse. Towards Nuclear War?

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Baltimore man shot in face by police faces 17 ridiculous charges

     Baltimore native Keith Davis Jr. was shot in the face by police after an alleged attempted robbery in June 2015. But according to Davis’ girlfriend Kelly Holsey, the evidence found at the scene supports neither the police’s story nor the charges he faces. According to The Baltimore Sun, Police Officers Catherine Filippou and Lane […]

Chinese Passenger Drone Unveiled

A 4ft (122cm)-tall drone capable of carrying a human passenger was unveiled at the Las Vegas CES tradeshow Wednesday. The Chinese EHang 184 is capable of carrying a passenger for 23 minutes at a speed of up to 60 mph (96 kph).   EHang claims the drone is “the safest, eco-est and smartest low altitude […]

Saudis cut ties with Iran to distract world from Nimr execution: Top cleric

Tehran, January 6, The Iran Project – Iranian senior clerics have slammed Saudi Arabia for the execution of prominent Shia cleric Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr, saying that they broke off diplomatic ties with Iran in an attempt to distract the world from their criminal acts. Referring to Saudi’s cutting diplomatic ties with Iran as a way of distracting the world […]

The Oregon Standoff

Andrew AnglinDaily Stormer January 4, 2016 Steven Hammond & Father Dwight Charged As TERRORISTS To 5 YEARS Prison #OregonUnderAttack — Ministry Of Truth ✒️ (@USABillOfRights) January 3, 2016 Yesterday, I commented on the Oregon cattle rancher standoff and was criticized and even called a secret agent for saying I didn’t really think the […]

World War 3 prophecy Pt 3 Dec 26 2015

JESUS DECLARES WORLD WAR 3 On Sinners Worldwide ! God is pissed off at sinners worldwide! Therefore, He has officially declared the start of WW3 on … source Add To The Conversation Using Facebook Comments Source Article from

Ricky Munday Cusses Out L.A. Sheriffs for Blinding Him With Their Lights

Southern California copblocker Ricky Munday, was in La Puente, CA when he noticed two cyclists detained for riding without lights. Both individuals were inside the patrol car and their property was displayed on the hood when Ricky arrived. The officers weren’t too happy that Ricky was filming their stop and used their lights to obstruct […]

Chicago police shoot and kill student and 55yo neighbor after being called about domestic disturbance

     A Chicago police officer, responding to a domestic disturbance call, shot and killed a 19-year-old student and his 55-year-old neighbor, a mother of five. The grieving mother of the teenager said she had been hoping to “get help” from police. The police were responding to a call from a man named Antonio LeGrier, who […]

The Counter Culture Springs Forth: Sam Hyde At Rutgers University

Revered worldwide in the sphere of educational achievement as the home of the Nappy Headed Hoes Chimpettes Basketball Team, Rutgers university, one of America’s major academically-failing victims of Judaeo-cultural Marxist institutional rape, hosted the rising comedic star of the anti-1960s Frankfurt school cultural Marxist movement, the short-lived political editor during the failed putch at the Jewish […]

Cops Cut Man’s Underwear Off in Public, Anally Penetrate Him With Fingers for “Rolling Through Stop Sign”

Justin Gardner | The Free Thought Project Lee County, FL — A video uploaded to Facebook shows a gang of cops from the Fort Myers Police Department and Lee County Sheriff’s Office brutally violating a man on the roadside, after pulling him over for a rolling stop. Screams of […]

Neoconservative Activists Call for Firing of Muslim Police Officers

William Grigg | The Free Thought Project Republican-aligned activists in Florida’s Broward County who otherwise offer uncritical support for law enforcement have finally found an officer they consider unsuitable for duty – not because of anything he has done, but because of his identity. Broward County Sheriff’s Deputy Nezar […]

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