US terror drone kills 4 in NW Pakistan

The US drone fired two missiles at a house near the city of Miranshah early Saturday, killing four people and injuring several others, security officials said.

The offensive came only two days after another US drone targeted a mosque in the Hassokhel town east of Miranshah early Thursday, where at least ten people were killed.

In a similar attack, five other people were killed and several more injured on Wednesday in the tribal area.

Ties between Islamabad and Washington have been strained over the US assassination drone strikes on civilians under the excuse of targeting militants.

Washington claims that its airstrikes target militants crossing the border with Afghanistan, but local sources say civilians have been the main victims of the attacks.

Tensions between the two allies heightened after American forces killed 24 Pakistani soldiers in an airstrike on two military posts on the border last November.

The killing of Pakistani soldiers provoked retaliation by Pakistani government, prompting Islamabad to block the NATO supply route to Afghanistan immediately after the attacks.


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