A timely repost of an excellent article that points you to the origins of all our rates increases & the agenda behind them. EWR
Rangitikei Environmental Health Watch
From Dr Naomi Jacobs
“I decided to write the book following my initial shock in reading the New Zealand Herald, November 3, 2012, article, ‘Kaipara rates rebellion grows,’ about the huge, extortionate 40% property rates/tax increases being imposed by Kaipara District Council on ratepayers in New Zealand.
After an extensive study of Marxism/Socialism/Communism over many years – upon reading the article, it immediately became plain to me that what was happening to Kaipara citizens and ratepayers was not only unique to New Zealand – but was part of a global plot now taking place in all countries planned many years ago by the British Fabian Society.
Basically, I believe, Kaipara District Council is being insidiously used as a “test case …”
Read More: January 2013 Letter Naomi Jacobs (pdf)
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