Iran lauds Hezbollah’s routing of Israel‎

Undoubtedly, this victory is “the resistance’s greatest ever, a source of dignity and exaltation for the Islamic world and a turning point in the history of Muslims’ fights against the usurping enemy (Israel),” Salehi said in a message to Hezbollah Secretary General Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah on Wednesday.

The resistance along with the Lebanese nation foiled the enemies’ plots during the 33-day war and taught them an unforgettable lesson, the message said, expressing hope that the brilliant victory would prepare the groundwork for other victories of the resistance in the future.

Salehi’s message was submitted to Nasrallah by Iran’s Ambassador to Beirut Ghazanfar Roknabadi on the sixth anniversary of the resistance movement’s victory in the 2006 war against Israel.

Nasrallah, for his part, praised the support of the Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei and the Iranian nation of the Lebanese people and said it played a significant role in the victory of the Lebanese nation during the 33-day war.

In a separate message, Salehi also congratulated his Lebanese counterpart Adnan Mansour on the event.

He said Lebanon’s victory in the 33-day against Israel represented the pinnacle of the resistance’s triumphs over Israeli aggressions.

He also said that the Iranian nation and government support Lebanon’s stability, security and development and called for the enhancement of Tehran-Beirut ties.


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