Iran releases ‘Gando’ video game

Gando is about a character from the eastern region of Iran and is designed based on different genres, explained director of the foundation, Behrouz Minai.

The foundation recently unveiled Breaking the Siege of Abadan, a war game on Iran’s eight-year Sacred Defense against Iraq along with three other productions during a ceremony held in October 2011.

The Black Gold and Speed in City are other Iranian computer games slated to be released in near future.

Iran’s computer game productions have been warmly received by many European, American and East Asian countries so far.

The games had been earlier presented in several international expos such as the renowned European game industry fair, Gamescom, where they won great acclaim by visitors and experts.

The national games were also well received at the 2011 edition of Dubai World Game Expo (DWGE) by both visitors and distributers.

Mir Mahna, Hidden Treasure, Mountaineer, Black Gold, The story of the Island, The Heart of Simorgh and Dream Farm are some of the renowned Iranian computer game productions.

Ancient Persian tales and characters have inspired most of the games, while traditional Persian music and modern motion capture techniques have provided them with more natural scenes.


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