Jewish supremacists in Australia have denounced a textbook used in Victoria schools which blames the Jews for the murder of Jesus Christ — as described in the New Testament — decrying this charge of deicide as “the mother of all anti-Semitic blood libels”:
The Victoria Department of Education and Training (DET) textbook, which is on the booklists of many schools in Victoria, states that “because they saw him as a threat to their power, Jewish religious leaders had Jesus arrested, condemned and crucified by the Romans.”
Parents of students at Glen Eira College spoke to the Anti-Defamation Commission (ADC), a Australian Jewish advocacy group, about the textbook.
Frances Prince, of the Jewish Community Council of Victoria (JCCV), told the Australian Jewish News in an interview that it was “disappointing in the extreme that such a libellous accusation made its way into a school textbook. I have no doubt that the education department will deal with the matter swiftly and appropriately.”
“The venomous charge that the Jews were responsible for the death of Jesus has resulted in more than 2,000 years of persecution, violence and murder,” she said.
She added, “Imagine how students of the Jewish faith would feel reading, along with their classmates, this warped text that casts them as ‘Christ killers’, and the hostility they would be subjected to.”
The DET said that it is planning to contact the publisher of Jacaranda Humanities Alive 7 (second edition).
A DET official told the Australian Jewish News that the book is not endorsed by DET. They added that they will contact the publisher to have the offensive portions of the book immediately changed.
“We are also working with our faith groups to ensure the change that is needed is appropriately communicated with the publisher. Victorian schools should use their professional judgment to decide which supports and resources to use in the classroom, based on the needs of their local school community,” the official said.
When Khazar Jews fraudulently took on the identity of Israelites, they took on some rather unpleasant baggage — it wasn’t just the “get out of jail free card” of being “God’s chosen people” as they had cynically hoped.
The Israelites in Judea at the time of Christ — known as “the Jews” in the New Testament — did indeed call for the murder of their own promised Messiah — in fact, both David’s Pslam 22 and Isaiah 53 give remarkably accurate accounts of Christ’s crucifixion at the hands of His own people hundreds of years before it happened.
And if the people who killed Christ were not His own people, He surely would not have asked God The Father to forgive them for what they had done — those not under the law have no need for forgiveness.
Many Judean Israelites under the influence of the Pharisees rejected Christ because He was indeed a threat to their worldly power in Judea — which they had gained by their blind, rigid and hypocritical adherence to the law.
Some contend that it was “fake” Israelites who murdered Christ, but that contradicts prophecy — and why would Christ allow Himself to be sacrificed by a people other than His own — if the purpose of his death was to atone for the sins of Israel?
Throughout the Psalms, King David clearly establishes that “bloodthirsty” Israelites were his persecutors — a foretelling of the persecution of Christ.
But today’s “Jews” want their cake and eat it too — they want all the perks and privileges that come with being “God’s chosen people,” but they understandably don’t want the responsibility of deicide on their shoulders.
And the only way “Jews” can exonerate themselves from the charge of “Christ killers” would be to publicly renounce their false identity as Israelites — as Hebrews descended from the Tribe of Judah.
Of course, in the 1980 edition of the Jewish Almanac, they did just that — admitting to themselves, “Strictly speaking, it is incorrect to call an ancient Israelite a “Jew” or to call a contemporary Jew an “Israelite” or a “Hebrew.“
And the fact that today’s “Jews” trace their “Hebrew” identity matrilineally through the mother rather than patrilineally through the father as the Israelites did — is prima facie proof that they cannot be the same people.
But since maintaining this false identity as Israelites is essential to their justification for their seizing the land of Palestine — and ethnically cleansing the Arab people living there — they have painted themselves into a corner and must maintain this charade — after all, duped evangelical Christians give billions of dollars to these fake Israelites based on that lucrative false identity.
And part of that charade is embracing their assumed role as “Christ killers” — subverting and destroying all Christian nations along with the true Israelite people who worship Christ.
In his 1931 novel A Jew In Love, Hollywood screenwriter and ultra-Zionist Ben Hecht wrote,
One of the finest things ever done by the mob was the Crucifixion of Christ. Intellectually it was a splendid gesture. But trust the mob to bungle the job. If I’d had charge of executing Christ, I’d have handled it differently. You see, what I’d have done was had him shipped to Rome and fed him to the lions. They could never have made a savior out of mincement!
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