Loyalty is a term that you don’t hear about lately because the Jewish system doesn’t want it to reach the public mindset and opinion. They don’t want it to start questions within people’s minds – who the hell are they actually loyal to? You see, loyalty cannot exist in the New World Order of Individual Marxist lunatics who are supposed to be cunningly ruled over by Jews. The people of the future are supposed to believe that they are being individuals, yet they will have no real sense of their “I”, let alone their “am”. They will be guided throughout their entire life by Jewish suggestions and manipulations, which will tap into their desires and trap them into a world of choices.
As we have said already before – there must be no group consciousness of any kind within this world – except the Jewish one. The Goyim can have their Universal Goyim rights. Meanwhile the Jews will have control over everything. These psychopahts will finally feel “safe” upon this planet – knowing that they have everything under control and that everyone lives within their Semitic guidelines. They will be Gods upon this planet as no one will ever be able to achieve again any kind of True Knowledge, let alone distinguish between what is right and what is wrong.
Nobility, that is to say Aryanism, will be gone in the New World Order. Nobility and all the magnificent terms associated to it – will be dead. People will tolerate everything and anything, choices will dominate instead of what is right, the majority vote will replace the real Truth, children will be indoctrinated and controlled since birth, there will be no Freedom, only the Liberty to express any type of degeneracy.
To the Noble person, choices are an attempt to trick his mind from knowing what is good, right and just. For a Degenerate person, choices offer a sense of false creativity and supposed control of one’s life.
Therefore, only a Noble person can really experience Loyalty – because loyalty can only exist within a person that is capable of unbreakable willpower and a sense of trust and honor. A degenerate person has no nobility, no honor and consequently cannot be trusted in any way or manner. They are far too dependent on their choices and will defend these sources of their drug addiction with their own life. A group of degenerate people, who are seemingly following the same pattern of choices, is a weak group consciousness at best – because, by their very nature of choosing – they will always attempt to be a little bit different than the rest. Perfect drones for the Jews, so to speak.
Assume now the following : You are a single white male. Your first loyalty lies to your Self and you achieve it by Knowing your Self. Then you get married – now your loyalty lies to your Wife and your Self, but you put the Wife above yourself. Then you get kids – your loyalty expands to your own Family now, with the priority of defense going to the children. Your kids marry and get their own children – your loyalty expands. You get neighbors, you now have your own ethnicity, your own nation, your own race – to all these elements lies your loyalty – because all those elements are found within you – the very first single entity we analyzed. Everything else we mentioned is simply an expansion of the Self, which ultimately is expressed through your entire Race – in this case, the White Race.
People often forget such simple things. Imagine you and your wife were the last White people alive on this planet – who would you be loyal to? Jews? Arabs? Africans? How much more would you care about your existence if you knew that you were the last of your kind, the last living entities of a unique expression of Nature – of a Race that was misled into annihilating itself? But, you can experience this by attempting to Know Yourself. Go deep into the forest at night, meditate in absolute silence, inquire into your very being – see the Nature of your Self – see the need to have your own kind around you – you forget such things through Urban life – especially the one that is being manipulated by the Jews nowadays. Therefore, loyalty keeps not only you alive, by being loyal to your Self, but also your entire People, and part of those People are your Wife and Children.
Loyalty is the quality of being loyal to someone or something. A strong feeling of support or allegiance.
It truly is a quality. It is something most people are not capable of; hell it is something most Races are not capable of. The White race was inherently loyal to its Volk, Blood, Spirituality and Soil. We didn’t need a Semitic religion to indoctrinate our people into obedience and merchant-like-loyalty. It was natural for us to protect that which we are. We didn’t even question such a decision. You don’t ask for permission to defend yourself. And that was not only because were we Noble within our Hearts, Minds and Souls – but, we were Loyal to ourselves.
What exactly would that encompass? Being loyal to your Self? We already saw how the Self is defined as Knowledge above Understanding and Thinking – as Knowledge that leads to Wisdom – as Knowledge that unlocks the Truth – as Life guided by the Truth and only the Truth. Therefore, being loyal to your Self is being loyal to the Truth. You cannot do otherwise when you are an Aryan. This is your highest priority in life. This is your God.
We can also see that such Loyalty includes the unified Love of our Masculine and Feminine principles – our Mind, Body and Soul. This means that we need to establish a healthy, honorable and respectful relationship to our Body, to our Mind and to our Soul. That we need to develop our Logic and our Emotions so that we can Know the Truth to the best of our Abilities. Being loyal to the Body means also to defend it from Enemies and Evil. Being loyal to the Mind includes deflecting Evil intentions, corruptions and indoctrinations. Being loyal to the Soul means to not lose faith in our Self.
Being an Aryan is not an easy Job. It is a responsibility. A duty. It needs discipline, development, training – but, most of all – it needs Loyalty and Focus.
It is always easier to fall into the way of Degeneracy. To give up achieving the highest levels of morality, ethics, knowledge, wisdom and discipline. It is always easier to simply live by choices and regard everything as the same – to not see differences – to not see the better above the good, the magnificent above the better – the divine beyond the magnificent. It is always easier to deny Nature and to attempt to create a Universal Utopia in which everyone will pretend that everything is just fine, as long as they can choose the supposedly lesser evil.
Being Noble is a process and also a never-ending mission and adventure. It is a full-time job from which you are released only upon death. People look up to you, your children look up to you, your family depends upon you. Your Race depends upon your Loyalty to it – its Existence is based upon your Discipline and Will to survive. Your Children will live because you had the Will to make sure that they are not threatened by anything. In the worst case scenario, you are loyal enough to them, that you will gladly sacrifice yourself so that they may continue to exist. Your Loyalty is the Devotion to your People.
The Jews have taken away all aspects of Loyalty from our People. Our People do not take care of themselves anymore. They have become dull, stupid, lazy, fat, ignorant, arrogant – they do not know who or what they are – they do not know their Self. They are Loyal to nobody and nothing – the only illusion to which they are “loyal” is their own Ego projection of the Self, which they have been taught to “love” and which is being manipulated by the Jews 24/7. They are constantly afraid of failing the illusion of their Ego, yet have never done anything that is Right within their life. Money, and the status associated with it, has replaced their Loyalty. The lifelong mission of being Loyal to your Self has been replaced by Money. Your Time has been replaced by Money. And Time is not Money.
If you knew the exact date of your Death – would you care about the Money game at all? Think about this very deeply. Inquire into this. If you knew when you’d die – would you go through the Jewish designed system of our current life upon this planet or the New World Order they are planning to create? What does your White, European, Aryan soul tell you when you ask yourself such a question?
Where does your Loyalty lie – when you know that you will die?
Ah, how duped we have been! And for how long as well! Whereas money was designed for simple exchange and transfer of resources and skills – it became our worst nightmare – and will remain so, as long as it is manipulated by the Jew. But, it isn’t the only thing that the Jew robbed you from. Your spirituality has also been stripped away from you and replaced through their Religion. Instead of your Blood, Ancestors and Gods of your People – instead of the research and wisdom of Natural Archetypes – you have been tricked into kneeling before an Image and doing absolutely nothing whatsoever that is related to spirituality. The most spiritual thing a Christian does is his supposed prayer in the Church. That’s it. Everything else is based upon Belief. And how can you Know your Self, if all you do is Believe? How can you save the White Race, when you believe that someone else should do it – the supposed Messiah?
Loyalty is associated to fidelity, honesty, good quality, faithfulness, honor, law-abiding.
All these terms should not surprise you, they are rather logical. When you are loyal again and experience Nobility, you will want to do only the best – not the best that money can buy – but, the best that you Know is best. The best that is true. The Truth. You will do the best for your Family and People – you will be honest in your work and speech. You will be faithful to your Blood and Soil – you will be law-abiding because your very Existence depends on abiding not only the Laws of Nature, but also the Laws which you have agreed upon with your fellow Kin.
Tribal, tribalism, verity, truth, allegiance, devotion
See how Truth is mentioned in the synonyms of the word Loyal? We already know why, don’t we? The tribe is the extension of your Family, the Nation of the Tribe. The Tribe consists of an Ethnicity – of a Race of People – of a certain Species of Animals – who breathe the same way, think the same way, have the same values, the same virtues and who will create the same species again. Betraying your own Race is abandoning Loyalty to your Self. It is the abandonment of Nobility. It is the highest Sin of a People. You Choose to abandon your People – and therefore became Degenerate.
We can see therefore the relationship between Loyalty and Nobility – the foundation of Aryanism – all that is right, just, beautiful, natural and honorable. It is a higher degree of Existence, a higher virtue of Life – a Life of discipline and purpose. The search for Truth. The abiding of Nature and its Laws. It is the only way by which our People can exist – the only way we lived by until we were taken over by Semitism in all its various forms. How can you, as an individual of the White Race, be loyal to Jewish controlled governments of our Nations when those governments are not protecting your People, your Race, your Children? You can’t. We are loyal to Natural hierarchy and as such are loyal to a Leader who will protect the people. A King who abandons his people has no Loyalty, no Nobility – and neither does he deserve any.
Within this article you will learn that Jews hate Nature – that God commands them to ignore the laws of it. They say that Nature is not sacred and its laws represent barbarity; the Noahide laws represent civil society. That there is no charity in nature; there is no mercy. There is no safety net in nature for marginal beings… There is no equality in nature or anything resembling democracy. They also say that the return of Paganism threatens their Abrahamic faiths – nothing good for the Jews — nor for society at large — can come out of a worldwide strengthening of paganism.
Therefore – Nobility, Aryanism, Loyalty – represent the Struggle of our People, the Struggle for the Higher virtues and values of life. True victory on this Earth, mother Earth, is attained by the mutual relationship which we develop between her and us. True purpose in this Life is attained by the honorable search of Truth. True Aryanism is attained by remaining Noble and Loyal to your Self and your People.
Source Article from http://www.renegadetribune.com/loyalty/
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