A shocking insight into the low IQ, ignorance, and hatred which the nonwhite “refugees” have brought with them to Germany, has been dramatically revealed in a series of interviews conducted inside Berlin “asylum centers” by the Tagespiegel newspaper.
The article also revealed that police are called out every day to the centers to deal with a never-ending wave of violent criminality, that most of the invaders are not “refugees” at all, and that half of them are illiterate.
The Tagespiegel interviewed three invaders—named as Ahmed, Abdul, and Mohammed, inside a “Berlin refugee camp.” It discussed with these three what their attitudes were toward women, Jews, blacks, homosexuals, and German society in general.
From their answers, it becomes apparent that, as the Tagespiegel says, they have “brought hatred along with them in their suitcases.”
On Jews:
Asked about Jews, Ahmed, from Syria, tells the Tagespiegel journalist to “check the media in the West, and in Russia, and in Iran.”
The ignorance—and fantastic conspiracy theories under which the invaders labor, then becomes apparent as it is clear that they believe Jews are the ones who carried out the terrorist attacks in Paris to “blame” Muslims, and that Syrian president Bashar al Assad is a “Zionist devil.”
The Tagespiegel says that Ahmed showed a doodle he scribbled on a milk carton: a gallows, and on the end of the rope, a Star of David.
“Jews,” says Ahmed, “are responsible for the misery in the world. They have instigated the massacre of Paris and blamed the Muslims, because earlier, France had granted recognition to Palestine.”
Ahmed also asserted that “Jews support Bashar al Assad. He is not a Muslim,” Ahmed states, adding that only Sunnis—like him—are Muslims, and all Shiites and Druze Lebanese are traitors, Zionist devils. And violence against the devil is justified,” he adds.
On German society:
Ahmed said that he went to Turkey “a few years ago” and was doing casual jobs there before he joined the rush up the Balkans in 2015—not realizing that he has just proved that he is not a “refugee” at all, as he was not fleeing persecution but “doing casual labor” in Turkey.
He purchased a place on a boat to Greece to get to Germany, where, he says, everyone “has a car.”
He now wonders, the Tagespiegel says, why, in Berlin, no one has offered him a job. Now, however he thinks he knows why—because someone “in the hallway [of the invader camp] has told him that “German Jews prefer to employ Arabs”—and he is not an Arab.
The Tagespiegel says that employment prospects for the invaders are sparse. An estimated 50 percent are totally illiterate, and those who are barely literate—like Ahmed and Mohammed—will be unlikely to find work anywhere, the paper adds, pointing that official Federal Employment Agency figures show that 90 percent of all nonwhite invaders who have entered Germany as “refugees” are still not working anywhere a year after their arrival.
Abdul, from Afghanistan, says that in Kabul, they are told that once they get to Germany, they are all given €3,000 “welcome money.” The average annual wage in Afghanistan is €366 per year.
He says he was disappointed not to get his €3,000, and wants to know why it is being withheld from him.
When asked about homosexuals, Abdul tells the Tagespiegel that they are “disgusting” and that “God has said they should not be allowed to live.”
Ahmed did not want to say if he had taken part in the fighting in Syria. His village, he said, was in “any event long controlled by the Al-Nusra Front.
“They [Al-Nusra] are decent people,” he tells the Tagespiegel journalist, seemingly oblivious of the fact that Al-Nusra and ISIS are the same thing.
On women:
When asked about women, the three invaders all agreed: women had to obey men, and it was permissible to beat them, but that it would be unnecessary to do so as long as they obeyed their men.
Ahmed says he wants a wife and children. The wife—presumably a German woman—must be a virgin, he adds.
As he is talking, Mohammed, from Egypt, interrupts and asks if it is true that German women sunbathe in the nude?
When told by the Tagespiegel journalist that they do, and there are nudist beaches on the Baltic Sea coast, he is incredulous. “Why do they do this? Where are the men?”
The Tagespiegel’s translator—herself a refugee from the Middle East who arrived in Germany a few years earlier, tries to explain the concept of equality of the sexes to Mohammed. “Everyone has the same rights, in schools, cafes, parks. A woman does not have to ask her husband permission for anything.”
Mohammed, the Tagespiegel writes, makes a “wry mouth: more in disbelief than discomfort.”
Abdul also wants to know why he is not allowed to marry a girl who is 14- or 15-years-old. “They can lie naked on the beach, but they cannot get married?” he asks.
On blacks:
Mohammed says that “Egypt is the best country in the world,” but that it has two problems: “in the chaos [of the Arab Spring uprising] secret powers have come to the fore,” and then there has been “an invasion of monkeys from the south.”
By monkeys, he means blacks.
Mohammed, who says that he used to work in a bank, definitively asserts: “Egyptians are more valuable than blacks. Some monkeys are nice, but most are a plague.”
* The Tagespiegel report also reveals that there are nearly 45,000 nonwhite invaders living in one hundred invader camps in Berlin, and that the police are called out to the invader camps every day, often for blackmail and assault.
Source Article from http://newobserveronline.com/third-world-moves-berlin/
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