The truth movement king Alex Jones is being taken down by the courts. Good! Get rid of that fool. Seriously Fuck him.
There is no easy way to say this if you’re a fan of Jones or worse you’re a follower of Alex Jones you’re a fucking idiot.
Forgive my language but the hour is late. America is in deep shit.
Because of Alex Jones if you hold any political POV different than the mainline media
you will be associated with Jones and look like an idiot.
If Alex Jones was some kind of agent of the enemy, then he did it he got everyone. Ever patriot ever truth teller every MAGA is going down with Jones.
Jones and David Icke and the late Bill Cooper. All sell a pipe dream that politics and history is easy to understand. That you will know secrets that render real life which is hard to understand irrelevant.
That you don’t need to read a shit load of books to know what you’re talking about.
The best political writer you never heard of was Michel Collins Piper. The world’s most difficult assassination case to solve was the assassination of JFK. This was due to the fact that the powers that be covered it up.
Because of the massive amount of information written about the JFK assassination no one could get to the truth. So much to sift through and much of it way off the mark.
That is until MCP wrote Finale Judgement. Piper cut through all of the BS and reveled the prime mover behind the JFK hit was Mossad. The Kennedy family often accused of “Antisemitism“. Now we know why from Mike Piper. JFK did not want Israel to “get the bomb”. Mark Lane who was a friend of Piper and very famous did not go far enough in is interesting book Rush to Judgement. Lane put the blame all on the CIA. When you think about it. That makes it rather useless at this dark hour. When we are on the edge of a nuke war with Russia. This Ukraine war is driven by pro-Israel forces who want to use it to remove Putin from power so he can no longer protect Assad in Syria. Without Russia no Syria.
In in case if any positive pollical movement where to ever come out because of the conspiracy movement that never was. The government was ready to mess it up.
The Sanday Hook shooting took down any dissent against the government. There where hundreds if not thousands of people went on the intenet and on you tube and said things like the entire new town sandy hook shooting was fake.
Michel Collins Piper tried to warn everyone who would listen that they were going to far with the No one died at Sandy Hook BS.
It got him fired.
Here is an e-mail to me from MCP when he let me know that that Sandy Hookers took him down.
Thu, Sep 25, 2014 at 7:20 PM
Just to let you know that AFP has again terminated me, and this time there’s no turning back. I was held responsible for saying bad things about Mrs. Carto and about some of the Sandy Hookers.
Probably just as well.
Don’t know what lies ahead, but the support of good people like you has always been much, much, much appreciated.
my career in writing is pretty much over, I think, and now I need to just focus on survival.
Mike Piper warned people, and no one listened.
Perhaps Alex Jones should have listened to Mike Piper.
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