WASHED AWAY: Man found dead in Queensland floodwaters as evacuations continue

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Our reporter in the back of Bourke is almost caught in an inland sea

flooded backyard

Nathan Lawless’ flooded property near Yarrawonga in northeast Victoria. Picture: Jake Nowakowski
Source: News Limited

Warragamba Dam

Warragamba Dam overflows for the first time in 14 years. Picture: Nick Welsh
Source: The Daily Telegraph


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TRAGEDY again struck Australia’s flood-ravaged east coast with the second confirmed death coming from a raging torrent in Queensland this morning.

A man died after a car was swept off a road in heavy flooding in the state’s south-east corner.

Yesterday a Victorian man was killed when his body was dragged into floodwaters at Bateman’s Bay in NSW.

The car from this morning’s tragedy was washed off Arborten Road at Glenwood, north of Gympie, and is still submerged, police say.

Meanwhile the NSW township of Urana, approximately 90kms north west of Albury, was being evacuated as a result of the current flood situation in the Riverina area.

The impending floods will cause disruption to essential services such as power and sewerage for up to a week.

An air evacuation operation has just begun and those being evacuated will be flown to Albury where they will registered and provided emergency accommodation.

Two medical rescue helicopters have also been sent to Urana to airlift 16 patients from a nursing home.

Ambulances will transport 16 patients – 7 stretcher patients and nine more mobile but frail patients.

The Ambulance Service of NSW is sending an extended care paramedic to assist nursing home staff and oversee the operation.

Fourteen patients will be taken to Finlay and two will be transported to Tocumwal.

‘Significant evacuations’

Residents in the Upper Murray River town of Walwa were evacuated in the early hours of this morning as flood waters continue to peak along the river.

The SES issued an immediate evacuation notice to 144 phones in about 60-70 properties at 1.58am.

The residents were given one hour to assemble at the Walwa bush hospital.

An SES spokesman said flood waters in the Murray had hit 7.88m, similar to the October 2010 flood levels, and were still slowly rising.

In nearby Jingellic the Murray River is at a major flood level but residents have so far been able to stay in their homes with no evacuation orders released.

In NSW, residents of North Wagga Wagga were ordered to evacuate early this morning.

It is set to hit 10m by Tuesday.

More than 1000 people were evacuated from homes in NSW’s Riverina region after 450 homes in North Wagga Wagga, East Wagga Wagga and Gumly Gumly were given evacuation orders last night.

“It’s a significant evacuation. The chances are there may well be more,” SES spokeswoman Rebecca Riggs said.

Emergency services created a breach in the main canal levee at Roach’s Regulator, near Yanco, as a pre-emptive measure to protect up to 300 endangered properties.

Victorian man dies

A Victorian man yesterday became the first victim of the flooding, which has devastated parts of northeast Victoria and NSW.

Police yesterday recovered the body of the 43-year-old who was dragged into swollen floodwaters at Batemans Bay in NSW.

The man was one of three people who became trapped in a four-wheel-drive when trying to cross a creek on Saturday.

Locals in Victoria’s drenched northeast were battling against the worst flooding in history last night, with residents in Numurkah, Nathalia and Katamatite facing uncertainty over how high the water would go.

Victoria’s flood districts pummelled

AN emergency flood evacuation warning has roused hundreds of people from their beds in the tiny Victorian border town of Walwa overnight.

The emergency phone message was sent to 144 fixed line phones and about 200 mobile numbers at 2am (AEDT) today as the floodwaters from the Upper Murray catchment hit 7.6 metres.

“We were anticipating that we’d have a peak level going through there around midday today of 7.6 metres, but that level was actually exceeded at approximately half past one this morning,” Wangaratta deputy incident controller Wayne Roberts told AAP.

“After consultation with Victoria Police a decision was made to send out an emergency alert for Walwa to evacuate approximately 200 people to the bush hospital.”

About 20 people chose to evacuate.

“They’re continuing to rise slowly in Nathalia, they’re expected to peak on Thursday,” Shepparton incident control centre spokeswoman Danielle Hartnett told AAP.– with The Daily Telegraph and AAP


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