Archive for October, 2014

Court strips Dieudonne of damages for cancellation of pro-Gentile show

(JTA) — A French appeals court nullified a lower tribunal’s award of damages to the comedian Dieudonne M’bala M’bala for the cancellation of his show for its anti-Semitic content. The Court of Appeals of Poitiers in western France handed down the ruling last week, Le Figaro reported. The court excused an event management firm from the […]

Israeli FM snaps at Sweden over Palestine recognition

Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Liberman lamented Sweden’s decision to recognize Palestinian statehood, saying the Scandinavian country was getting involved in an issue more complex that IKEA furniture. “The Swedish government should understand that Middle East relations are more complex than a piece of self-assembled IKEA furniture, and the matter should be handled […]

Regular physical activity curbs depression risk

Researchers suggest that those people who do regular physical activity can benefit fewer depressive symptoms. Doing exercise three times a week decreases the odds of being depressed by approximately 16%, says the study conducted by the researchers of University College London. They illustrated a two-way relationship between depression and physical activity, indicating […]

Progressives Sign Petition to Kill ‘Babies’ Up to 5 Years Old

Numerous students at the University of Texas in Austin signed a petition in support of killing “babies” up to 5 years old, underscoring how many so-called progressives are actually vehement proponents of infanticide. Following a College Fix article which highlighted how more and more college students are expressing support for post-birth abortion, […]

Catalan new independence referendum illegal – Spain council

The Spanish Council of State has ruled that a new planned symbolic referendum on independence in the Catalonia region is illegal, saying it backs a veto of the vote. A spokeswoman for the council said Thursday that the consultative body decided that the government should ask the Constitutional Court to declare the […]

Psychopaths to maintain order after massive nuke attack – Home Office docs

A clandestine Home Office experiment in 1982 tested Britain’s capacity to rebuild after a catastrophic nuclear assault. Previously secret files, made public by the National Archives, document proposals to keep order using psychopathic recruits. The exercise, dubbed ‘Regenerate’, was devised to prepare Britain to cope with a massive nuclear attack. The project […]

Who shot Yehuda Glick?

458099662.jpg Yehuda Glick displays a drawing of the Jewish “Third Temple” he believes should stand in the place of the Dome of the Rock, part of Jerusalem’s al-Aqsa compound, visible in the background. (Christian Science Monitor) The Israeli narrative about the shooting of Jewish extremist Yehuda Glick raises many questions and doubts. Yet it fits […]

Boycotters declare victory as SodaStream retreats from West Bank

141030-sodastream.jpg Israeli drink machine company SodaStream announced yesterday that it will close its settlement-based factory in the occupied West Bank in 2015. The move was instantly hailed as a victory by campaigners for the boycott of Israel, who said they would continue to target SodaStream for its other human rights violations. In a press release, […]

Jerusalem light rail is a symbol of Israeli oppression

141030-rail-fix.jpg In July, sixteen-year-old Muhammad Abu Khudair was kidnapped and killed by a group of Israelis who forced petrol down his throat and burnt him alive. Muhammad lived in Shuafat near a station of the Jerusalem light rail. Palestinian protesters immediately responded to Muhammad’s tragic death with attacks on the light rail because it is […]

Will US demand truth about Israeli killing of Palestinian-American child?

2014-10-26_orwa_hammad_.jpg Thousands attended the 26 October funeral of Orwa Hammad, the fourteen-year-old Palestinian-American boy who was shot dead by Israeli occupation forces in the West Bank village of Silwad two days earlier. Israeli occupation forces claimed Orwa had been about to throw a molotov cocktail, a justification frequently given for the killings of children. Local […]

Psychotic Black Muslim Gets 98 Years for Trying to Kill 4 White People

Reflector October 31, 2014 Vernon Leggett was shot three times by the Black madman. A man accused of shooting four people in a Greenville commercial area in 2013 was sentenced to 97 years and eight months in prison Tuesday after pleading guilty in Pitt County Superior Court. Lakim Anthony Faust, 24, pleaded guilty to four […]

Australia Accused of Racism After Quarantining Diseased Apes

Sven Longshanks & Andrew AnglinDaily Stormer October 31, 2014 And here we have logic. Sierra Leone’s Information Minister, “Alpha Kanu” (real name, apparently) is hippity-hopping mad at Australia for preventing any more African apes from infecting the country with Ebola, the BBC reports. “It is discriminatory in that… it is not [going] after Ebola but […]

Black Boyfriend Stabs White Woman to Death Because She will Not Resume the Relationship

Gazzetta Del Sud October 31, 2014 Veronica Valenti was found dead in her car, after her Black boyfriend had stabbed her to death. A 27-year-old, Senegalese man confessed to murdering his former girlfriend, Veronica Valenti, 30, who was found lifeless in her car Sunday night in the Sicilian city of Catania, ANSA sources said Monday. […]

The New #PantsUpDontLoot Billboard Campaign! Contribute Now to Save the World from Black People!

Andrew Anglin Daily Stormer October 31, 2014 A billboard against the pathological criminality of Black people. Finally, our dreams are coming true.  We have found a crowd-funding site to host the #PantsUpDontLoot billboard donation drive. “Pants Up – Don’t Loot” is the White response to the Black chant of “Hands Up – Don’t Shoot.” The […]

Jew-Run CDC Quietly Admits That Sneezing can Transmit Ebola Virus to Others

Marcus CiceroDaily Stormer October 31, 2014 This is at the level of basic grade school common sense; for White folks at least. Don’t sneeze or cough on me, Bro. I value my internal organs in their non-liquefied state. The saga of the entirely incompetent CDC concerning the raging Ebola virus has now reached a whole new […]

Israel broke international law, report claims

World Bulletin/News Desk Israel violated international law according to a report released Thursday that investigated the use of human shields during Israel’s 2014 onslaught of the Gaza Strip.   The report, published by the Geneva-based Euro-Mid human rights observer, says that the Israeli army broke international law on at least six occasions in the […]

Peshmerga may not wear emblems from other states: official

World Bulletin/News Desk Iraqi Kurdish fighters are not permitted to wear emblems from other countries, a Kurdish regional government official said Thursday. Jabbar Yawer, secretary-general of the ministry of peshmerga affairs, commented on a photo in which a peshmerga fighter is seen wearing American emblems on his shirt. “It is in no way permitted to place emblems in the format of foreign […]

Colombian guerrillas admit responsibility for harming civilians

World Bulletin/News Desk Colombian guerrilla leaders said on Thursday they took responsibility for civilian casualties caused by rebel attacks during 50 years of war, a show of contrition aimed at buttressing peace talks with the government. “We explicitly recognize that our actions have affected civilians at different times and under different circumstances throughout […]

Kerry says reported U.S. slur of Netanyahu ‘damaging’

World Bulletin/News Desk The description of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as a “chickenshit” by an anonymous U.S. official as quoted in a U.S. magazine this week was disgraceful and damaging, Secretary of State John Kerry said on Thursday. Netanyahu on Wednesday condemned the comment from an unnamed official in The Atlantic, which […]

Argentine passes reform bill to spur oil investment

World Bulletin/News Desk Argentina’s government secured congressional approval Thursday for a reform it sees as key to rebuilding oil and natural gas production after a decade of decline. The lower house passed the reform bill 130-116 with one absentee after more than 14 hours of floor debate, sending the Senate-approved legislation to President […]

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