At Least

at least, at least, at least, at least, at least, at least, at least, at least, at least, at least, at least, at least, at least, at least, at least, at least, at least, at least, at least, at least, at least, at least, at least, at least, at least, at least

Well at least Trump said this and at least Trump said that

at least, at least, at least, at least, at least, at least, at least, at least, at least, at least, at least, at least, at least, at least, at least, at least, at least, at least, at least, at least, at least, at least, at least, at least, at least, at least

Well at least Putin said this and at least Putin said that

at least, at least, at least, at least, at least, at least, at least, at least, at least, at least, at least, at least, at least, at least, at least, at least, at least, at least, at least, at least, at least, at least, at least, at least, at least, at least

That is what it’s come to. That is how utterly desperate some people in this struggle have allowed themselves to become. How sad. How incredibly pathetic. To think of all that information collecting they have done over many years, all those evenings amassing data and knowledge on The New World Order. Some claim to be fully jew-wise and aware of the history of the trickery these reptiles are capable of, fully aware of the hubris of these creatures and how there is no limit to their deception, and how they play out their same ol’ tricks again and again and again. Yet these Truth seekers with their compendium of books fall for this blatant trickery again and again and again. Just because of at least ….


Wake up – wake up – wake up ——— you utter morons.

Grow up – grow up – grow up ——— you ridiculous overgrown children

Us gullible goys are our own worst enemy. When will we stop being hoodwinked by these deceivers? When?

And it wouldn’t be so bad if it was just the average sleepy Joe who votes anyway. But it’s even prominent players in this movement – that’s what’s so scary to me. How even they can’t see this scam. They dish out excuses that “Well we can capitalise on this spokesman. I know he’s pro Israel, but at least ….he’s saying things in our favour and we can use this in order to wake others up.”

Nooooooooo you fools. Of course you can’t fuckin use this in any conceivable way. He is no use to us whatsoever. Whatsoever!! A trap is a trap. Deception by the jews is deception by the jews. Trump offers us no favours and is no credit to the Truth at any level. Trump is a jewish-controlled tool to destroy whitey. But yet again, many gullible goys have fallen for a saccharine-coated toxic pill.


The only snippet of use is that we could turn up at Trump rallies with boxes of fliers and blitz the rallies with jew-wise Truth. But most of these Trumpies won’t be doing that. Anyway, that is no excuse to openly suggest that Trump is in any way favourable for the Truth – when he is toxic to the Truth.

I’m curious to see how many Trumpies, (who also claim to be troofers) will get back to us in a couple of years when they discover he has toed the line exactly to the JWO agenda (per plan); and turned out worse than Obama. Will they get back to us with their tail between their legs and say “Oh shit! I’ve been had – again. What a gullible fool I’ve been”? We best not count on it.

Trump ticks many boxes for these dirty rats:

1. Pressure valve

This smooth talking friend of the jews is a breath of fresh air to most people who have no hope. A glimmer of light for those who can now see the white genocide happening. “Pheww – at least someone is speaking common sense and against political correctness. Yeaahhh – go go go Trump.”

2. Subconsciously obfuscates responsibility

Many people feel that they don’t have to put any effort into doing their bit to fight this tyranny. Because now someone else, some external force is going to do it for them. Brush your hands, put on your Trump baseball cap, all taken care off; now you can get back with your hum drum life. Sorted.

Trump is just like Alex Jones, or David Icke in that they give you a whiff of the Truth and a dollop of false hope that your issues are being addressed. That there are spokesmen on the main stage who are speaking out on your behalf. But they are just catchment nets, scooping up and defusing all our potential – our potential activists who collectively just may make a difference.

3. Perpetuates the jewish dialectic

The blue team verses the red team. Now how many times have they used this trick before on us? Erhhhmm – about three million times perhaps? And there are some of us who ‘still’ fall for it. Shame on you! Good ol democracy hey, you can’t beat it. Isn’t it just great to have choice and control of our future – ha.

4. Data collection

At some level this is a method of monitoring to what degree the goy are waking up. To what extent are we aware of their agenda. Of course they are monitoring the awakening via the internet and fractional political groups; but the voting is where most people who are not activists make a bit of an effort to express their opinions. Voting is almost a confirmation certificate for world jewry.

What is it with many people in this cause that they cannot see that ANYONE presented to us at any top/popular level – be it political candidate, president, mega pop stars, popular Truth-tellers, sports heroes, health gurus, fashion gurus, whatever –  ARE ALL PUPPETS WORKING FOR THE JEWISH AGENDA(?) It ain’t rocket science. It is only our false sense of hope that keeps tripping us up every single time. The jews are laughing at us, in our faces; that people in this struggle who really ought to know better have fallen for their deception – yet again.

Arrhhh, but THIS TIME it’s going to be different isn’t it? Somehow this time it’s not deception. No, this time there really is a public figure out there on the main stage who is speaking up for us and going to give us the change we desperately need. It doesn’t matter about Trump’s many jewish connections – just dismiss them all from your mind and clasp onto to false hope instead. Just as your naive parents did and their parents before them. Methodologies don’t really change, trickery has no real time zones; it’s just packaged differently.

at least, at least, at least, at least, at least, at least, at least, at least, at least, at least, at least, at least, at least, at least, at least, at least, at least, at least, at least, at least, at least, at least, at least, at least, at least, at least

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