Custodela Fightback Site Launched

After six months of preparation, the “Custodela” initiative—announced by the dynamic and world-famous mayor of Ásotthalom in Hungary in December 2015—has launched its own website.

“Custodela” is a Latin word meaning “protection.” The project was first formulated in December 2015 by Mayor László Toroczkai, when he announced that a media platform would be created to influence public opinion in Europe on the nature of the Third World invasion of Europe.


“The time has come!” the new Custodela website has proclaimed.

“After more than 6 months of preparations, we can finally go public with our European self-defense network.

“The existence of Europe is threatened by illegal migration that was brought on us by the leaders of the European Union, and we can effectively take action against them only together with other European nations,” Mayor Toroczkai said in a statement on the site.

“As long as the Hungarian legislators are forced by the pressure of Brussels to send migrants into open camps, where—after getting free catering—they laugh in our faces and continue their journey towards western Europe, then our struggle is in vain.”

Mayor Toroczkai went on to say that the Hungarian struggle against the invasion on its border was futile because “by now it is clear that Brussels is threatening, racketeering, and even forcing the member states to resettle and distribute the migrants.”

“Now the number of the migrants is reaching up to several millions, but because of the accelerating spiral-effects and the future family reunions, there may be hundreds of millions of them in the near future.

“Ásotthalom has become known all over the world as the last bastion in the fight against illegal migration. We took this the opportunity to organize the first Custodela Reunion on December 19–20, 2015.

“Active patriots—all worried about their motherlands—from several European countries attended this event. There were people, with European roots, from Australia and the USA.

“Together we established this sovereign network—Custodela, which connects nations. This network aims to open the eyes of millions of Europeans.

“We have only one weapon left— to shake up the European public opinion and motivate people to act.

“This is our weapon to make pressure on those EU politicians who have betrayed Europe, whose aim is to destroy the European nations; this is our chance to get rid of the traitors.”

Mayor Toroczkai is seeking assistance and help in getting Custodela established. Readers can find out more by going to the newly-launched Custodela website here.

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