France: Judge Order Calais Camp “Upgraded”

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 4, 2015

U wot m8?U wot m8?
U wot m8?

Just when you thought the French government was so irreedemably racist that they would never do anything for these innocent, suffering, precious little children, they turn around and decide to build them a whole new camp.

There may be hope for true world peace after all.
Daily Express:

FEARS that the “New Jungle” migrant camp in Calais is to become a permanent feature have been raised after a French court ordered it be improved.

Judges ruled that local officials must set up more water stations and toilets for the 6,000 residents waiting to stowaway to Britain.

They also demanded new rubbish collection sites and the squatter camp be regularly cleaned with the threat of daily fines if the order is not put into action.

The human rights ruling provoked anger among campaigners who fear it will become a greater magnet for migrants trying to reach the UK.

It comes just weeks after French interior minister Bernard Cazeneuve ordered heated tents for women and children in Calais in preparation for the freezing winter conditions.

Steven Woolfe, Ukip migration spokesman said: “This court decision sends the wrong message to the thousands of migrants heading towards The Jungle camp from the Balkans, the population of which I predict will reach 10,000 plus early in the New Year.

“Tinkering with existing facilities in Calais is not going to stop a deteriorating situation becoming a humanitarian crisis. As winter approaches the French authorities have to make some tough decisions.”

Mr Woolfe said the Calais migrant crisis could be quelled if the Italian government stopped migrants leaving the country illegally and the French settled those already in northern France.

Hot potatoes!

Better get rid of these monkeys before the music stops!Better get rid of these monkeys before the music stops!
Better get rid of these monkeys before the music stops!

Last one caught holding it gets shanked, gang-raped and has to pay to raise other people’s children and also the parents!

The controversial ruling came from judges in Lille on Monday who found that the current state of the so-called “New Jungle” in Calais was not good enough.

Their order, which will cost thousand of pounds to implement, included the creation of 10 new fresh water stations – with five taps each – 50 new toilets, more “access points” for emergency vehicles, and more waste disposal points.

The population of the virtual shanty town has already doubled to more than 6000 over the past few weeks, as wouldbe asylum seekers arrive from all over the world.

There are some that will say that this is an open act of war against the UK that is actually significantly more offensive than the Norman invasion. However, these people are racist and must go to prison.

After all, look at the innocence, the preciousness – bask in the glory of their purity, and beg forgiveness.


All these people ever asked for was infinity free everything forever. But even that is too much for the racists, who would rather give them nothing than spend billions of dollars paying them to enrich the society with kebab and other cultural things you can easily list if you think about it for a while.

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