Daily Horoscope: December 1, 2023

Nostalgia and fantasy can flood our minds as the moon in Cancer aligns with Neptune in Pisces at 1:05 AM and clashes with Venus in Libra at 3:09 AM, leading to all sorts of dream scenarios and subconscious stories. Relationships with rescuers could be an enticing idea during this transit, too.

We could be emotionally wrestling with neglected parts of ourselves as the moon faces off with Pluto in Capricorn at 8:07 AM, showing us where we’re feeling insecure or in need of empowerment. Using energy to show up for ourselves with integrity and to let go of what we can’t control can be quite the soul salve.  

A focus on the tangible details and material elements of our timelines arrives as Mercury enters Capricorn at 9:31 AM. Now in the sign it will retrograde through next, Mercury shows us where we’re welcomed to slow down and get reorganized in our life. We’re feeling optimistic and confident in expressing ourselves as the moon enters Leo at 11:00 AM and connects with Mars in Sagittarius at 9:48 PM.

All times ET.

Read your monthly horoscope for December!

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Aries glyph

Aries: March 20, 2023 – April 20, 2023

People can really sense an air of authority about you as Mercury enters Capricorn, activating the area of your chart symbolizing public reputation and career. A transition or transformation could be afoot (especially since this is the sign Mercury will retrograde through next) and you might be entering a different era in your public role or life direction. The moon enters Leo and you’re feeling confident and curious.

Taurus glyphs

Taurus: April 20, 2023 – May 21, 2023

You might be considering the tangible plans you can lay to materialize your hopes and dreams as Mercury enters Capricorn. Conversations about travel or ideas about higher education and mentorship arise, motivating you to map out the details, though you might feel there’s still too many unknowns to move forward yet as Mercury nears its next retrograde. Attention turns to your home and family as the moon enters Leo and you could feel incentivized to invest in something that makes your living space more comfortable, perhaps even a bit plush.

Gemini glyph


Gemini: May 21, 2023 – June 21, 2023

Negotiations could work in your favor as you remind others why you’re worth your salt when Mercury enters Capricorn. It might take a bit of time to iron out the details of upcoming (or recently initiated) contracts and agreements as Mercury’s now in the sign where it will station retrograde next. Some adaptations might need to unfold for certain partnerships and collaborative arrangements to succeed. You might be juggling multiple roles within your community or organization; and if you’re an entrepreneur you could find yourself wearing various hats in your business.

Cancer glyph

Cancer: June 21, 2023 – July 22, 2023

You might feel motivated to map out the trajectory of your partnerships as Mercury enters Capricorn, leading to questions and curiosities about whether a relationship is business or pleasure, fleeting or around for the long-run. Since this is the sign where Mercury is set to retrograde though next, you’ll have a bit more time to entertain these questions as you figure out how far you’d like to journey in your current or potential commitments.

Leo glyph

Leo: July 22, 2023 – August 23, 2023

Productivity and efficiency are top of mind as Mercury enters Capricorn today, encouraging you to focus on time management in your daily work and routines. You’ll get a chance to engage in some trial and error with the structure of your schedule as this is the sign Mercury will retrograde through next. It’s certainly not the time for all work and no play; joy and pleasure are opportunities you’ll want to look for as the moon enters your sign, Leo!

Virgo glyph


Virgo: August 23, 2023 – September 23, 2023

Your capacity for joy, pleasure, and connection are up for consideration as your ruling planet Mercury enters Capricorn. You might be nudged to approach fun and leisure in new ways, in ways that aren’t dictated by what partners or close companions want or do, which could take some time to figure out. Mercury is set to retrograde through this fellow earth sign, so you’ll be granted the chance to reflect and experiment a bit longer with your own relationship to self-expression and amusement. Your imagination may be quite active and demonstrative as the moon enters Leo. Dreams might be over-the-top, though all you really need to remember about them is the way they made you feel.

Libra glyph

Libra: September 23, 2023 – October 23, 2023

You might feel called to model greater responsibility at home or to your family as Mercury enters Capricorn, encouraging conversations about a more intentional approach to your daily work and routines, or more organized participation from those you share living space with. This could be a work in progress as Mercury is set to retrograde through this sign soon, so consider this a transitional period.

Scorpio glyph

Scorpio: October 23, 2023 – November 22, 2023

You’re committing to creative projects or perhaps polishing some of your talents as Mercury enters Capricorn. Learning processes might be underway or you could find yourself picking up new interests and ways to pass the time on daily transits, which might be rather tedious now that Mercury is getting ready to retrograde through this sign. You might be on the receiving end of admiration and acknowledgement for the work you do, or the role you inhabit publicly as the moon enters Leo.

Sagittarius glyph


Sagittarius: November 22, 2023 – December 21, 2023

Mercury enters Capricorn, encouraging you to sit down and plan your budget and perhaps finding collaborative ways to stretch your resources at home, if you live with others. Discussions about the values you were brought up with could arise now, too. Mercury is preparing to retrograde through this sign soon, giving you extra time to consider how you wish to improve the material circumstances that have become your reference point for success and comfort, and how to build a more stable base of resources for you and your inner circle.

Capricorn glyph

Capricorn: December 21, 2023 – January 20, 2024

Seeking closure and paying off debts could be top of mind as the moon enters Leo, inspiring you to tie up loose ends or make repairs in relationships where there’s a sense of emotional debt. A journey of self-awareness and realization is underway as Mercury enters your sign, Capricorn, encouraging you to characterize your existence and make connections about your own developmental journey. Mercury is readying for its next retrograde in your sign, inviting you to spend a bit more time at these edges of discovery where you might encounter or piece together a more coherent interpretation of your perspectives and who you are.

Aquarius glyphs

Aquarius: January 20, 2023 – February 18, 2023

Stimulating conversations are elevating your hopes and dreams as the moon enters Leo. Partners and close companions could stoke a sense of resiliency within you now. Despite an active social calendar, you could find precious pockets of time and space for self-reflection as Mercury enters Capricorn. Its impending retrograde through this sign signals that a period of material and spiritual recalibration is underway, inviting you to slow down and identify how you’d like to reorganize your time and resources to more closely align with and support your values or preferences.

Pisces glyph

Pisces:  February 18, 2023 – March 20, 2023

Mercury’s entrance into Capricorn activates the social sector of your chart, inviting you to actively define and assemble your network of support or to think about your personal role in your community. You’re granted an extended period to navigate these ideas and conversations as Mercury is now in the sign of its next retrograde. An old friend might reach out, or you could find yourself reminiscing and reaching out to people from your past, informing your evolution and the people who’ve influenced you along the way.


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