Fringe Neocon Wrote Trump’s Saudi Speech


Millions of Americans were taken in by Donald Trump’s campaign promise to role back military interventionism in the Middle East. Many Americans took Trump at his word despite his remarks on bombing Syria and Iraq, stealing their oil, torturing suspected terrorists, and killing their families.

If there is any doubt Trump was captured early on by the neocons, one only need to look at the speech he delivered in Saudi Arabia.

The 30 minute speech was written by Senior Policy Adviser Stephen Miller, an ally of former Breitbart executive Stephen Bannon and former Breitbart writer Julia Hahn.

Miller organized and promoted “Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week” while a student at Duke University. He worked with the notorious neocon firebrand David Horowitz at the time. Josefin Dolton writes:

As a college student, Miller wrote a biweekly column for the The Duke Chronicle, addressing such topics as terrorism, US foreign policy and political correctness. Defending President George W. Bush’s war in Iraq, Miller wrote that “Islamic terrorists have declared holy war on the United States. They have declared a death sentence on every man, woman and child living in this country.”

Horowitz has written columns for Breitbart. He is an ardent supporter of Israel’s Likudniks. In 2014, he thanked the Islamic State for bringing attention to “Islamo-fascism” and stampeding frightened Americans into his camp of fringe neocons. His Freedom Center was funded by the late Richard Mellon Scaife. He ran a news service for CIA propaganda.

Horowitz was an ardent supporter of the neocon invasion of Iraq that killed over a million people.

“Baghdad is liberated,” he wrote for his FrontPage Magazine in April 2003. “In the days to come let us not forget that if it were not for one man, and one man alone—George Bush—the people of Iraq would not be celebrating in the streets and pulling down Saddam’s statues today. … We have entered the era of a new civil war between the forces of freedom and the powers of Islamo-fascist and communist darkness, and once again the left is clearly determined to take its stand on the other side. The good news is that America is back. Our military has performed superlatively. Our leadership has stood tall. We ourselves can celebrate over this and look confidently toward what lies ahead.”

Miller’s speech reveals what lies ahead—further demonizing Iran and possibly attacking it with an “Arab NATO” armed to the teeth with high-tech American weapons.

“Given the high decibel level of the Trump administration’s threats and warnings, it is impossible to distinguish bellicose rhetoric from real operational planning,” writes Patrick Cockburn. “A confrontation with Iran will probably not come soon; but in a year or two, when previous policies conceived under Obama have run their course, Trump may well feel that he has to show how much tougher and more effective he is than his predecessor, whom he has denounced as weak and incompetent.”

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