Duped Americans bow the knee to the Jews’ monetary idol Satan


Unfortunately, not only are our White political leaders totally corrupt, but rank and file Whites who are financially successful, even the most modestly successful among us, are sellouts, politically and racially. These successful Whites could help our movement a great deal in many ways, but they don’t. Rather than risk their positions in life, they totally ignore the plight the Jews have placed us in, and have all sold out to their Jew friends. Instead, they ignore us. They ridicule us.


They think infinitely more of Jews and the criminal state of “Schtiz-real”, than they do of America or their fellow Whites. In their view, we are just peasants, and they are so smart. Because they don’t know the Jew, and think so highly of themselves, they believe they’re immune to Jew revenge and hatred. I’m sure they’d convert to Judaism in a heartbeat if they thought their “stuff” was in jeopardy. Virtually all of them are Judaized. So unfortunately, not only are our elected trolls totally subservient and loyal to these despicable money changers, but unfortunately, so is every White who has some meager measurement of success—”DICARLO” on incogman.net.

The Jews have of course been obsessed with controlling all things, ever since they nationally rejected God’s promised universal and eternal reign of his resurrected Son Jesus Christ and set about to supplant it with an ideal Jewish controlled monetary world under Israel’s biblical end-time antichrist. For ever since the advent of God’s righteous Son Jesus Christ as Israel’s biblical messiah, it has been all about wiping out Christians, controlling Gentiles, and stealing the wealth of the world for the antichristian Jews, which was, of course, what the suicidal Jew Judas Iscariot was really all about, when he betrayed the Lord for the proverbial thirty pieces of silver.

In fact even before Christ came, the tribal Israelis and their allies were busy butchering and subjugating the Canaanites in the land God gave to their patriarch Abraham. Something the blind and reprobate Jews have of course misconstrued and translated into ‘justification’ for their militant oppression and mass execution of the indigenous people of Palestine today. Because the Jews have of course not been onside with Jehovah, the Trinitarian God of Israel’s patriarchs and the Bible, since they committed the crime of the Crucifixion; and have been militantly opposed to him and his Son Jesus, and hence literally onside with Christianity’s arch-adversary, the devil and Satan.

Even moon idol worshiping Muslims fall down before the Jews' monetary idol Satan, by serving in the US military; and even at the expense of their brethren they kill and maim so the Jews can make more money and consolidate the power of the antichristian state of Israel

Yes indeed the antichristian Jews have tricked gullible Americans into fighting their wars abroad, by impressing upon them that bowing the knee to the Jews’ monetary idol is essential, if they’re to retain their wealth and comfort zones both now and in the years to come. Something that’ll ultimately issue in white Christian Europeans receiving the Jews’ “666″ monetary mark and possibly literally the six lines of a Magen David in the right hand or forehead; which is paying the ultimate homage to the Jews’ stellar monetary idol of a false messiah, by depersonalizing yourself and selling your soul to Satan who’s the god of the mammon of this present evil world in the Bible.

For while US servicemen serving the interests of the antichristian Jews and the antichristian state of Israel are often even praying each day to the Trinitarian God of Christianity; they’re really of course forfeiting his blessing and protection, and leaving themselves prone to being killed and maimed in the service of Judaism’s monetary idol, which has, of course, been the god behind the currency and credit for wealth creation in America, since the Jews and their acolytes set up the private corporation of the Federal Reserve in 1913.

US soldiers forsake their own mercy by serving the antichristian Jews and their monetary god Satan in wars abroad that make more cash for the Jews and their acolytes and consolidate the power of the antichristian state of Israel and the reign of Israel's biblical end-time antichrist

All this is serious enough in itself, but did you know that, unlike the opposition the Jews can shortly expect to escalate against them in Europe, the Bible forecasts no repentance from most Americans for their unconditional support of the Jews’ monetary idol and their evil global monetary state under Israel’s end-time antichrist. In fact at best it indicates that those Americans left behind to face the last great social cataclysm, after the resurrection or rapture of all true Christians, will be made useful to God by their ongoing support of Israel, by with that supporting the true tribal Israelis in Israel who’ll repent and convert to Jesus Christ after the antichrist has been revealed and raised up violent opposition to them in the Middle East.

Check out this relevant recent article

May 8th, 2013 is Texas-Israel Day

On May 8th State Sen. John Carona and State Rep. Stefani Carter have each agreed to sponsor resolutions in the Texas House and Senate respectively that will proclaim May 8 to be Texas-Israel Day. Please plan to join us in Austin at the Capitol that day, as the Texas-Israel Chamber group will be recognized in each legislative chamber. A room is reserved at the Capitol convenient to both chambers where the meetings will be held with key legislators and hear speakers throughout the day.

This is a great opportunity for us to highlight the many opportunities Texas and Israel have to work together. Our greatest opportunity right now is in Water Management. The state realizes that we have a big problem and Israel has invented the solution. Gov. Perry has decided to take $2 billion from the Rainy Day fund and spend it on upgrading water infrastructure in the state. The day will primarily focus on educating our legislators about Israeli water technology before this legislative session ends. CEO Clare Freeman is working with the Governor’s office and the Water Management Board to plan the day for maximum impact.


Are these sick, evil, antichristian moneychangers really worth it America?

Source Article from http://firstlightforum.wordpress.com/2013/05/23/duped-americans-bow-the-knee-to-the-jews-monetary-idol-satan/

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