High School Punishes Student For Supporting Donald Trump

High School Punishes Student For Supporting Donald Trump

Teacher lectured 11th grader about Trump’s “hateful” rhetoric

Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet.com
February 28, 2017


An 11th grade student at a high school in Georgia says he was punished for expressing support for Donald Trump.

Patrick Ragozzine, a student at Cherokee High School, received an administrative warning after he defended Trump over claims made by other students that the president was racist.

The school is located in Canton, Georgia, which is about 45 minutes from the city of Atlanta.

“I overheard some students bashing Donald Trump, making false claims that he’s a racist, sexist, xenophobic person,” writes Ragozzine, adding that his teacher did not intervene until Ragozzine began defending the president.

“The teacher defended the other students and began lecturing me on Trump’s “hateful” rhetoric and how the other students have the right to hold those feelings,” he added.

School officials later summoned Ragozzine to a meeting and told him that he couldn’t discuss politics in the classroom. Ragozzine says he was told that the area has a large Latino population and that “it’s wrong to be discussing a wall”.

The “description of offense” on an official administrative referral form states, “Student has been given several warnings about making unnecessary comments about politics or keep saying “build the wall”.

Ragozzine originally received an ISS (in school suspension), but this was changed to an “administrative warning” after he posted about it on Snapchat and friends and parents complained to the school.

“The referral still goes on my permanent record (which colleagues will see when I try applying) and they had to call my parents about it,” writes Ragozzine.

Since Trump’s victory, there have been a number of incidents in schools where teachers have acted out against Trump.

Last month, a Dallas public school teacher was filmed shooting a toy gun at Trump during his inauguration while shrieking the word “die!”

Earlier this month, a teacher in Tennessee was fired after posting, “The only good Trump supporter is a dead Trump supporter,” to his Facebook page.

Meanwhile, in Naples, Florida, an elementary school teacher was reassigned to administrative duties after praising Trump’s executive order on immigration.


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Paul Joseph Watson is the editor at large of Infowars.com and Prison Planet.com.

View the original article at www.prisonplanet.com

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