Mainstream Media Ignore Arrest Of Second Las Vegas Shooter

Mainstream media blackout over second Vegas shooter arrest

Police have arrested a second gunman who was caught driving a car loaded with machine guns and semi-automatic weapons, just one day after the Las Vegas attack. 

Federal agents are investigating why 42-year-old Scott Edmisten was carrying a cache of weapons including two submachine guns and 900 rounds of ammunition.

Despite an obvious connection between this arrest and the Las Vegas terrorist attack – the mainstream media have completely ignored this latest development.

Deputies found Scott Edmisten, 43, of Johnson City, carrying a .357-caliber Magnum, a loaded .45-caliber semi-automatic, a .223-caliber fully automatic assault rifle, a .308-caliber fully automatic assault rifle, more than 900 rounds of ammunition, and survival equipment, Washington County Sheriff Ed Graybeal said.

Federal agents have downplayed the possibility that Edmisten could be connected to the Vegas massacre, claiming he was apprehended too far away from Las Vegas when they arrested him 32 hours after the attack.

However, according to Neon Nettle, Google Maps shows that it takes 26 hour to drive from Las Vegas to Tennessee – which would have given him more than enough time to make the journey.

This time is based on the assumption that one would be traveling the speed limit, but Edmisten was caught by police because he was speeding, which would reduce his travel time.

Allow time for stops and to sleep and there’s plenty of time.

SEE MAP BELOW reports:  Graybeal asked the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms to help investigate, since the automatic weapons aren’t registered and lack serial numbers. He told The Johnson City Press that Edmisten had apparently modified the AR rifles to make them automatics.

“Anytime you have several firearms and several hundred rounds of ammunition in a vehicle, that always causes a concern,” said Michael Knight, an ATF spokesman.

Authorities still haven’t determined why Edmisten was carrying all that firepower, but they “don’t see a connection” to recent mass shootings, Knight said.

The arrest came a day after Stephen Paddock killed 59 people and wounded more than 500 in Las Vegas, firing down on a music festival crowd from a high-rise hotel suite. Some of the 23 guns in the suite were equipped with devices that enable a rifle to fire continuously, like an automatic.

“It’s not connected to any of the other national incidents, but timing obviously was a concern,” Knight said.

Knight said investigators are tracing where Edmisten’s weapons came from.

“Our priority is reducing violent crime on the front end, so that’s the other thing we’re looking at, along with motive: Were these items going to be used for a criminal act or were they just being transported from one area to another area?”

Graybeal said Edmisten threatened his arresting officer and lunged toward investigators trying to question him. He’s jailed without bond on charges of possessing prohibited weapons, speeding, and felony evading arrest. It’s unclear if he has a lawyer.

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