Ziad Fadel 


DAMASCUS:  With Syrian Army morale bobbing off the firmament, a new campaign to exterminate Alqaeda, ISIS and the Jaysh Al-Islam has begun.  It is so ferocious that Abu Muhammad Al-Jawlaani, Alqaeda’s leader in Syria, fresh from a bender in London, has declared he had the funds to offer a 3.4 million dollar reward for anyone who kills the president of Syria.  He also offered 2 million for the assassination of Hizbollah’s leader.  Gee, I wonder who gave him the money?  Now, what will the putative assassins do if the Alqaeda chieftain fails to pay?


Doumaa:  ‘Alloosh has not been heard from on the airwaves recently.  Some say he’s either dead or on the verge.  One source told me he is believed to be in Amman, Jordan, where quacks are giving him shots of laudanum for his “mood”.

Yesterday, at the Al-Imaan Mosque, a pack of Jaysh Al-Islam vermin relaxing in a command-control center were sent to Hell aboard their three 4-wheel-drive Toyotas:

Haamid Al-‘Abid

Zakwaan Subhiyya

Mudhar Khalfaan

Taariq Al-Luways

Muneer Idrees

Jaabir ‘Aqrooq

Muhannad Bakkaar


‘Irbeen North:  A truck with weapons and ammunition north of Abu Bakr Mosque was blown into so much mechanical parts:


Raashid Al-Zahraani

Iyaad Al-Daabiq


Harastaa:  The Jaysh Al-Islam group is becoming a laughing-stock.  East of the Mahaasini Mosque, they were caught prowling around looking for peanut bags:

Ilyaas Raajih

Ghiyaath Al-Jum’ah

‘Abdullah Al-‘Eesaawi

Jihaad Hazeema

‘Azeez Al-Fa’oor

‘Abdullah Daqmaaq

Another 4 could not be identified and are believed to be foreigners.


‘Ayn Turmaa:  West of the Ahl Al-Safaa` Mosque, 2 pickups with 23mm cannons belonging to the Jaysh Al-Islam were converted into piles of dross by the SAA and PDC:

Ghazwaan Al-Basala (IRAQI FERTILIZER PELLET AND SO-CALLED “expert” in explosives.  Well. He went up just like that.

Mansoor Al-Biqaa’iy

Ziyaad Al-Taweel

Hussayn Al-Dughaym

Ahmad Mujaahid 


Jawbar:  The SAA has recorded several advances here over the last three days.  Yesterday and today the army took back the Reema Water Bottling Company and destroyed a command-control base while annihilating a communications center.

Jawbar:  The SAAF destroyed 2 tunnels with all the rats inside with a type of bomb not seen before in Syrian skies.


Heavy fighting reported in Zamalkaa, ‘Ayn Turmaa and Saqbaa, as I write.



The Zionist Khazar Entity is so upset over its failures to give meaningful support to the terrorist weasels of Alqaeda that it is now openly firing artillery at the Syrian Army to give cover to their escaping allies.


We can now declare Tal Ahmar to be totally rat-free as the SAAF delivered 15 stunning bolts of lighting yesterday before the SAA began its ground assault.  The group up here was Liwaa` Al-Sibtayn (i.e. The Two Israelite Tribes):

Mu’tassim Al-Tahhaan (Leader of the Israelite Tribe)

‘Alaa` Fathi Al-Waadi

‘Umar Naadir Al-Sa’eed

Burhaan Nawwaaf Al-Sadaqa

Raaghib ‘Umar Fustuq

Saamih Naseeb Al-Rasheed

Ayyoob Nijm Muhammad Daraawisha

Bilaal Futayh

Ahmad Muhammad Al-Suwaydaani

Muhannad Hussayn Al-Turshaan

Another 30 or more rats were seen being airlifted by Zionist cockroaches to quack hospitals in the Golan.



Dr. Tarpley has a go at it with the war criminal Ashton Carter and delivers the truth to those who seek it.  Saudi Arabia’s threats are also discussed:


Just “unwell”?  Mmmmm.  Read this article and some of the comments:


Brandon tells us about how nuts Hillary is:


Tony Gratrex sent me this in my email.  It’s a fine article by Finian Cunningham about war crimes in Syria perpetrated by the U.S.:

Read more

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Source Article from https://uprootedpalestinians.wordpress.com/2015/10/15/qunaytra-nusra-collapsing-under-its-leaders-bluster-new-army-advances-in-east-damascus-has-rats-reeling/

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