Archive for March, 2016

Syrian army advances against Daesh near city of Homs: Zio-Watch, March 30, 2016

The Syrian army soldiers have made new advances towards the town of al-Qaryatayn in the central province of Homs in their latest push against the Takfiri Daesh terrorists wreaking havoc in the Arab country. An unidentified Syrian military source said that an army unit, backed by popular defense groups, established control over a rural farmland south of the […]

Blackbird9’s Breakfast Club: Libertarian Realist – The Reality of Race

Host Frederick C. Blackburn will continue with part 5 of the “Situations, Strategies, and Solutions” series and will be joined in the 1st hour by Mr. Patrick Fisher from the Farmers Aid SA  benefit concert project. In the 2nd hour, Libertarian Realist will join the show for “The Big Nine At 9” segment. “blackbird9’s Breakfast […]

EU Minister Demands White Genocide: “Europe Will Be Diverse!”

Frans Timmermans, the Vice President of the European Commission, gave a speech saying that Europe is not allowed to remain majority White. Source Article from Views: 0

Japan: Cervarix and Gardsil Victims to Sue Government and Drug Makers

Japan: Cervarix and Gardsil Victims to Sue Government and Drug Makers March 31st, 2016 Via: Japan Times: Victims suffering side effects from cervical cancer vaccines that were once recommended by the government announced Wednesday they will file a lawsuit against the state and drugmakers. […]

Prime weapon against liberal fascism

From: In a popular culture governed by a double standard hostile to conservatives and libertarians, YouTube and sites like it have incredible influence. Im talking about the various incriminating videos that, when they go viral, have the power to damn or acquit people who might otherwise be given a pass or […]

Bomb threat at Landvetter airport in Gothenburg

From: Part of Landvetter airport in western Sweden was evacuated on Thursday morning after a number of suspicious plastic bags were discovered in the domestic flights terminal. Police said that a threat had been made against the airport and that bags discovered in the domestic arrivals hall contained “unknown content” […]

An Establishment Conservative’s Guide To The Alt-Right

From: A specter is haunting the dinner parties, fundraisers and think-tanks of the Establishment: the specter of the alternative right. Young, creative and eager to commit secular heresies, they have become public enemy number one to beltway conservatives more hated, even, than Democrats or loopy progressives. The alternative right, more commonly known as […]

Collision of dying stars identified as ‘trigger’ of Milky Way’s latest supernova

     The most recent disturbance in our galaxy appears to have been caused by two dying white dwarf stars crashing into each other, say US scientists. Data gathered from NASA’s Chandra X-ray space telescope and giant radio dishes at the Karl G Jansky VLA in New Mexico point to a collision of collapsing sun-like masses […]

Cold blooded killers: Turkey accused of shooting unarmed refugees along Syrian border

     Those guilty of shooting refugees on the Turkish-Syrian border should face swift justice if supporting evidence is found, Moscow said, following recent allegations against Turkey. The EU also warned it will be raising the matter with Ankara. “We have been seeing reports in the media regarding the matter, which we will treat with the […]

NYPD officer to explain why he shot ‘friendly’ pit bull at point-blank range

     A police officer will be made to explain himself after shooting a pit bull in the hallway of a Bronx apartment building. The friendly pooch had been wagging his tail when he was killed at point-blank range, according to his owner. Yvonne Rosado had called the New York Police Department because her former boyfriend […]

More than half of Americans now oppose fracking

     More than half of Americans are opposed to fracking in pursuit of oil and gas, according to a new Gallup poll. The results come amid mounting concerns about the links between fracking and earthquakes and groundwater pollution. Asked whether they favored or opposed hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, as a means of increasing the production […]

DEA and Pentagon spent $86mn on drug plane that never flew

     It was supposed to fly over Afghanistan and look for drug-producing sites, but the airplane the DEA and the Pentagon spent nearly $90 million never left its hangar. Seven years since it was bought, the plane is still unable to fly and may never do so. An audit by the Department of Justice’s Inspector-General […]

‘Disaster is Imminent’… Constitutional Attorney: "States Have The Legal Authority To Defend Border Under Constitution"

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Could NASA’s Methane Sniffing Drone Have Prevented Leak in California?

Susanne Posel ,Chief Editor Occupy Corporatism | Media Spokesperson, HEALTH MAX Brands   The NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) has created a tiny sensor that will sniff out methane with the strength of a few parts per billion via a laser spectrometer. Called the Open Path Laser Spectrometer (OPLS), this device which […]

A Bernie Sanders Supporter Confronted A Superdelegate & Then Leaked Their Private Conversation

It came out publicly not too long ago that the democratic political system in the US doesn’t quite work the way many people had imagined. When senior GOP official Curly Haugland told CNBC that he isn’t even sure why caucuses are held, considering the votes don’t matter, it validated what many who criticize the political system have […]

What Losing 110 Pounds ACTUALLY Looks Like

A recent guest post found on from a woman named Elna Baker, titled “What Losing 110 Pounds Really Looks Like,” offers readers a firsthand look into the reality of what losing a significant amount of weight actually looks and feels like. We’ve become so accustomed to seeing Before and After pictures — on billboards, on television ads, in […]

People Were Asked: ‘What Quote Has Actually Stuck With You & Changed Your Life?’

We all carry little snippets of wisdom around with us — quotes from authors, philosophers, or other figures who inspire us and whose words left a mark on our minds. I have my own favourites, of course, such as: “My body is my temple”; ” This too shall pass”; and “We are not human beings having a spiritual experience; we are spiritual beings having a human experience.” […]

A Classic Example Of Why It’s OK Not To Donate Money To Cancer Charities

“Everyone should know that most cancer research is largely a fraud, and that the major cancer research organisations are derelict in their duties to the people who support them.” (source) The statement above comes from Linus Pauling, Ph.D, and two time Nobel Prize winner in chemistry (1901-1994). He is considered one of the most important […]

Israel Continues To Treat Injured Terrorists At Its Hospitals

Israel continues to transport injured terrorists for treatment in the occupied territories before sending them back to continue committing atrocities against the Syrian people, according to Syria’s official news agency According to the report, Israel’s Channel 2 quoted Israeli officer Ilan Glazberg as saying that the Israeli forces transferred a wounded terrorists into Nahariya hospital in the occupied […]

Watch Space Rock Crash Into Jupiter From Half Billion Miles Away

Two amateur astronomers spotted space rock smashing into the surface of Jupiter while filming the largest planet in the solar system. Video shows the flash of a large object, thought to be an asteroid or a comet smashing into the gas giant’s atmosphere on 17 March. Newsweek reports: On March 17, Irish astronomy enthusiast John McKeon […]

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